malachit blog

The SD-JWT revocation case

05 May 2024

The context Building on top of boruta authorization server and wanting it to provide Self-Sovereign Identity abilities, I came to think about verifiable credential revocation. The first entrypoint on the... read more

boruta meets Self-Sovereign Identity as a Verifiable Credential issuer

23 January 2024

What is digital identity? In real life, identity refers to the set of characteristics, attributes, and qualities that make an individual unique and distinguishable from others. The recognition of that... read more

A long road up to boruta

18 February 2023

From scratch, going through to create a product A long story happened while moving up to a product. Starting from zero, I used my skills and knowledge to not only... read more

How to install boruta server?

18 February 2023

boruta is an authorization server enabling OAuth2.0 and OIDC to your services. It comes along with an administration interface and an experimental gateway to provide authorization to your backends. It... read more

Welcome malachit!

24 November 2022

Hello world! I am so pleased to announce the launch of the malachit showcase website. I have been working on a custom jekyll theme that, I hope, will give you... read more