Welcome malachit!

24 November 2022

Hello world!

I am so pleased to announce the launch of the malachit showcase website.

I have been working on a custom jekyll theme that, I hope, will give you a sufficiently good user experience to get the messages I try to transmit. Based on the Semantic ui CSS framework, I gave some overrides to fit the idea I had of how it should look. All feedback is very welcome, have a look at GitHub.

This website aims to describe a newborn company with the what, the how and the who. Once more, do not hesitate to reach out, I would be happy to discuss all kind of topics. For summing up the intent:

  • the what: I provide consulting and delivery services with a focus on APIs and API security domains. I also take on boruta, an open-source Identity and Access Management solution
  • the how: I am keen on best practices and agile methodologies, leveraging my communication for the best working environment
  • the who: Me, myself, and I for now

For the road some code samples in the languages I work with:


defmodule Malachit do
  def say, do: IO.puts "Hello world!"


module Malachit
  def self.say
    puts 'Hello world!'


class Malachit {
  static say (): void {
    console.log('Hello world!')

Have a great day/afternoon/night wherever you are.