How to install boruta server?

18 February 2023

boruta is an authorization server enabling OAuth2.0 and OIDC to your services. It comes along with an administration interface and an experimental gateway to provide authorization to your backends. It aims to be lightweight, simple and interoperable implementing by the spec the features provided by the IETF and the OpenID foundation.

The product is open-source and available on github with the Apache 2.0 license, it comes with three ways to get it up and running: docker-compose, mix release, and as a development server.

desktop installation

Details of the required steps for a proper installation are described in the repository README


Presented in the loom video, it is the easiest way to have a fast running instance. Build, create, migrate, and seed the database, start the server. That’s it, you’ll be able to start navigating through the interface.

mix release

A little rawer build, that is simplified in the Dockerfile helps to get an instance. The database dependency is not included and will required to be configured (do not forget to change the according environment variables).

development server

Starting the instance using this method will help to have features like live reload to fasten development purposes. As for releases, the database dependency will need to be configured.

Default environment variables help to have all configured in a well pace to make the instance work as expected. Have a look to get used to the different configurations and tweakings available.

production server

For production, the installation can follow the above steps to build the instance and get it up and running. Each setup will need your own ops work to fit your infrastructure. Note that both authorization, administration and gateway servers can be exposed as different ports and/or mapped to hosts.

In the case of a kubernetes cluster, boruta can work as a fully meshed network by setting the K8S_* variables in order to connect the nodes together. As an example, the Ansible folder at the root of the repository can give hints about the needed kubernetes resources to get a proper authorization server.

Thank you reading so far, hope you could get your installation up. If anything, I also provide integration services malachit

With care, hope, and <3